You may remember me ranting about The Worst Movie Ever last week. It's incredible depiction of moronic behavior at its finest, in the worst possible situation made for an incredibly horrible film. There was no "folding under pressure". But there was a lot of "running towards obviously dangerous situations to put myself and others in even more danger than we were before I incite my zombie-dad to burst through a supposedly secure emergency exit". There was a lot of that, and as I said, it really, really pissed me off. Anyhoo, I hate the movie, and it's prequel. And will likely hate its three-quel (is that even a word? It is now. My neologism for the day, ladies and gentlemen) if I can ever be talked into giving up precious writing/blogging/knitting/reading/tv watching/coffee drinking/forum trolling time to see it. But I still think zombies are interesting. It's tough to separate fact from fiction a lot of times. And reading this article which states 5 reasons a zombie apocalypse could happen , it had me thinking… many of these ideas are quite a stretch from theory into reality but just in case a level V lab out there is weaponizing toxoplasma gondii, a plan of action isn't such a bad idea.
So here is a little quiz to guage your current chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse. Likelihood of survival looking bleak? Check out The Zombie Survival Guide for some tips and tricks for outsmarting the undead and improving your chances of survival.
By the way, I got a 46% chance of survival. But dh got something like a 68% chance- so I'll be sticking close to him...
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