26 November 2007

It’s Potty Time: an international perspective

In honor of S.'s potty progress (and then consesquential pissing on the couch a half an hour after I let her wear panties tonight. Did I say we were making progress? ), I thought I'd post a video about how the Japanese handle potty training.

Enjoy (particularly the talking toilet bowl)!


graceunderautism said...

yer a freak and the dancing poop made me laugh too hard.....I want one of those cool toilet seats. Maybe I could convince little j that going to the potty is like riding a horse.

Leslie said...

Still laughing about that video.
Where do you find this stuff? lol~

The Supreme High Ruler of the W. Household said...

Honestly, I don't remember exactly how I came across this video! But some of the videos dh actually finds- he's the king of finding completely random and usually hilarious things!