14 November 2007

Let It- uh- snow?

Seriously- exactly where do these guys think they're going? Are they really intending to shovel the car out and, um, go somewhere?

They'll be shoveling for years.

This looks like fun- until the sun comes out. Then you'll have to pick up the garbage and beer bottles left behind by the melted snowmen.

And did I mention that it was in the high 70's-low 80's today?
Just throwing it out there.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Same weather here!
I love those pictures! Snow is so fun, until you have to deal with it in large quantities or clean up the slush it leaves!
The Albert Einstein quote is my dad's absolute favorite!!
ooohhh that reminds me *off to add a quote of my dad's*
Thanks for stopping in and of course I added you! You make me smile!