I have a confession to make. I hate teen-agers (in general. I'm sure there are a few good ones out there). HATE, HATE, HATE! I hate the drama (I know, it's the hormones, but it doesn't make it more tolerable), I hate the "I know better than everyone else" & "the world revolves around ME" attitudes. I hate it all. I hate them all. Particularly when they're out in public. Without adult supervision. I really hate them then. I know, I know. "My kids will be teen-agers one day". I am well aware of this fact, and I had a plan. I was going to send them to my parent's when they turn 13. I'll send letters and care packages and money every month and in exchange, my parents will keep them until they turn 18. At which point they must a) go to college b) join the military or c) get a full-time job and move the fuck out of my house. I am NOT living with grown ass children who should be capable of supporting their basic needs: shelter and food. Just ain't happening for me or dh. Anyways, that was my plan. But due to recent events I have come to realize that I may have to just suck it up and endure their teen years myself (well, with dh also, of course). I am not fond of this fact. I love my kids. But I hate teen-agers, remember? Conflict. I remember being a teen-ager once. I didn't like myself much then, either. Could be all that teen-age angst that all teen-agers go through. It doesn't matter. It's still aggravating as fuck, that "Oh, woe is me! Why does everyone hate me? Am I pretty/popular enough? Who will be my friend?" bullshit. Not that that was my attitude. It was quite the opposite, actually. Once we moved to NC when I was 15 I pretty much kept to myself. I didn't care about being popular. I just wanted to play soccer and graduate. Which I did. Btw, I know several adults who still didn't like me as a teen-ager. One of my mom's co-workers comes to mind. She used to call me a "pissy little brat". But she was a bitch anyways, so I can't tell you whether or not I was truly a pissy little brat or she just thought that because she was a hateful wench. However, it is possible that she may have been half-right. And now these teen-agers have myspace pages. An unregulated forum on which to unleash their ridiculosity on the world. Oh, yay us. End of rant. On a lighter note, dh is the king of finding random shit on the web. The benefit is that he often finds really funny random shit, which I now must share with you, because you may be needing a good laugh right about now. I know I did! First, a little background. A flashmob is a group of people who arrange to meet in a public place to act out some random wierdness and then disperse to go about their separate ways. There are flashmobs everywhere, Dallas, Boston, Phoenix. You can go to Flashmob.com for more info. Well, this Swiss flashmob based their act on this Xbox 360 commercial that has been banned. I happen to like this commercial, by the way. Especially the two guys at the end. But the re-enactment is great, too. Because real people, not actors, got together to do this. Doesn't it look like fun?!
How can you have a bad day after that?!
I had never seen the xbox commercial before. I like it too. And since I had never seen the commercial, I would have been totally lost if this happened at our mall! lol~
That was funny! I haven't seen the commercial, but that was still funny.
What? No Aggies for you? LOL.
I'm not an Aggie, but I was raised in a family of them.
I am not a fan of teenagers, I am especially not a fan of teenage college kids in line at a restaurant or grocery store...
Chocolate, you need lots of chocolate!!!
Thanks for stopping by! I aim to amuse daily :-)
The commercial is great! If you click on "this banned xbox video" it should take you to the commercial on youtube, if you're still interested. I promise you, it's worth the watch!
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