09 January 2008

You Can’t Kick Me Out, I left YOU

A few months ago I received an invitation from one of my friends to join hoverspot.com. It's another one of those social networking sites, except with this one you earn points somehow to win products like ipods and what not. I joined because my friend would receive points if I did, like some kind of referral system. In all I thought the site was pretty lame, and really worthless unless you were hard on about winning stuff. I don't give a shit about winning stuff- especially if I have to get friends to join or make new ones with that purpose in mind. Not much of a social network, I think.

In the few months I'd been a member I received 2 emails from other hoverspot members. Perfect strangers who were sending me messages as if they KNOW ME. Like one, dated 12/11/2007, asked "where are you?". The last straw, dated 1/7/2008 asked, "do you even get on here anymore?"


I don't even know you people!

Therefore I felt it was just time to cancel my account and be done with random ass people asking me about my site activity (or lack thereof).

At the end of the cancel request form there was a box. Hoverspot wanted to know why I was cancelling. Fair enough. In a nutshell, this was my reply:

I only joined to help out a friend. I'm not really interested in this site. Plus, I'm getting messages from people I don't even know about my whereabouts and it's getting to be a pest.

And you know what?

I got an email from hoverspot today saying that my account has been deleted because I "have been determined to be in violation of hoverspot terms of service".

Uh, WTF?!!!

If cancelling my account is a violation of their terms of service, then I can most certainly understand. But when I think "violation", I think of people putting porn on their site, or threatening to kill the president, or putting porn on their site and threatening to kill the president…

But cancelling an account?

I sat over this email for a minute, part of me laughing and part of me outraged (I've kind of been on a short fuse lately).

You can't kick me out! I left you!

So I sat thinking. I told dh about it. And we laughed. And then I thought some more.

I decided I wanted to send a really pissy email back to the administrators of hoverspot, demanding to know what terms of service I am in violation of? And could they kindly kiss my ass because, fuck you (meaning them), I quit before they kicked me out.

I thought better of it. Maybe that was the smart thing to do.

But why do I feel so violated?! Like some vicious rumor was being spread about me throughout the blogosphere.

And really, WTF?!!

So anyways, here's one for google:

Hoverspot sucks balls.

1 comment:

cadiz12 said...

some of these social networking sites have really gotten out of hand. is kicking people out supposed to make them feel more exclusive? sounds lame to me.