05 January 2008

A Compelling Conversation With A.

A: Mama, I'm compelled to play with my toys.

Me: Do you know what compel means?

A: No, what?

Me: It's when you really want to do something.

(I realize now that my definition leaves something to be desired, but she's 4, and it's close enough I think)

A: Oh, like you are compelled to knit and I am compelled to play.

Me: Exactly. Where did you learn that from?

A: I don't know.

Me: you're not in trouble, it's alright.

A: I don't know. I just know it.


Leslie said...

Love the things that come out of her mouth! She's so smart!

Rachel said...

Alright seriously, where are you? Are you hiding in my coat closet? That's not funny.
Princess (4yrs) and I have conversations just like this all the time. Except I don't knit. (I wish I did)

Anonymous said...

She's a cute little mobster. She ain't rattin anybody out.
(you like my Fri nite drunken blog hop alter ego?)